Thursday, November 4, 2010

A dark and stormy night (blog)

“It was a dark and stormy night….” These words were typed many times by Snoopy. He would often sit on top of his dog house to write the great American novel. Why did he start off like this? Maybe he thought he was adding some mystery or suspense to what he was about to write, maybe he just didn’t know what else to say.

According to my post counter I have written over 40 posts, that is a lot of rambling on about nothing. Looking back I have written a lot about my stubborn cat, my lovely wife, married life, what I did when I was single and other bits of useless information. Now I have my reasons, this blog is sort of like a public diary to record things for ideas for the comic. I am hoping to send this comic to a syndicate and be published. I’ve always enjoyed drawing cartoons and didn’t think it was that hard to write a three or four panel gag every day.

This week it has been raining a lot. What do we do when it rains? Nothing, when the wife and I do nothing I have nothing to write about. I could write about the new addition to our family, no not what you are thinking. We have somehow adopted a tailless cat. We call her Buttercup, Butter for short. She’s a big clumsy cat that comes inside, eats, wants petted for a little bit, and goes back outside. My cat doesn’t seem to mind, he knows who the king of the house is. My work is pretty much routine. Oh I could come up with something to write, like how I think it is gross to use the bathroom at work because either some guy comes in and wants to have an office meeting while I’m standing there trying to use the bathroom. Or, how I hate the feeling of sitting on a warm toilet seat knowing someone was just there before me and most of the guys in my office don’t practice decent hygiene. I could complain about people in general, and how I get a chuckle when people ride my tail when I am driving and pass me to either get behind the slow person that was in front of me or get caught at the red light. No matter what I end up right behind them, I like to wave at them in their rear view mirror.

So syndicates require you to submit at least 30 daily comic strips and 4 Sunday comics to show that the comic has enough material to regularly be published everyday. Charles Schulz’s Peanuts was turned down many times, because most syndicates thought he couldn’t come up with enough ideas and stories about a bunch of kids. He could only come up with 50 years worth of stories. After my 44 little blog posts, I think I know what was happening when Mr. Schulz had a writers block. “It was a dark and stormy night….”

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