Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Attack of the Armadillo

I was attacked by an armadillo! That’s right, it something you don’t hear often, but it actually occurred. Of all creatures of the night, I stood face to face with the horrible armadillo. Sure in the cartoons they are cute woodland animals, but when you see one, they are the devil’s pets.

I had been going to work early in the morning, the sun not even up. The last few days have been peaceful. I get the office to myself, no phone calls, and no interruptions while I work. So I had been looking forward to being productive that morning. I pulled into the parking lot and my headlights hit the gnarly beast blocking my way to the office door. At first I thought it was an opossum, the distance cousin. Opossums are harmless; we used to have one growing up. It would come up on the porch and eat the cat’s food. We flick on the porch light, it would look up at us and nod its head like it was saying ‘Was up’ and go on its way. When I took a second glance and saw its rigid covering and pointy schnozzle, I drove to the other side of the parking lot to study the creature from a far. He looked like he was eating on his latest prey. I don’t know what prey to the mighty armadillo is, but I didn’t want to be next.
I drove around to its back side, hoping to go unnoticed I turned off my head lights. When I got close enough I hit him with my bright lights and laid down on my horn hoping to shock the hard shell rodent. Nope, he just looked up at me with his beady little eyes and continued to devour his victim. I put my car in reverse and drove to a parking spot to think of my next attack. He sat there in front of the entrance taunting me. So I did what any man would do in that situation, I called my wife. There was no time for small talk, I just blurted out, “Are armadillos dangerous?”
“What are you talking about?” she said confused.
“There is an armadillo blocking my way into the office and I don’t want to walk up to it if it is going to attack me.” I said with a little fear in my voice.
“I have no idea if they are dangerous or not, I can look it up on the internet.” My caring wife said while trying not to laugh at me. “Do you want to start carrying my pepper spray?”
“That’s ok; I think I see it walking into the bushes.” I said with a little relief.
So I go to the office door with my key ready to unlock it knowing that the monster was lurking in the bushes waiting to pounce on me. I quickly unlocked the door like a frightened kid in a horror movie. I get into the building knowing that the armadillo ran past me when I opened the door. I looked around and was satisfied that I was safe. I’m waiting for the sun to come up before I come into work early again.

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