Last night I found out I have another problem to add on to the weird things that is wrong with me. I’m addicted to American Idol. I told myself since they started putting promotions on TV, that this year I was not going to waste my time watching that junk. My wife was even stating she was not going to get involved in it because she was not a fan of J-LO. So my wife had to work late last night and I had to go to a late meeting, I used this as an excuse to stop by the Golden Arches on the way home, I was having a Big Mac Attack. I sit down with my bounty of food; push the cat away from sticking his head in the bag, (he loves their fries) and turn on the TV. I totally forgot that American Idol was starting that night. I though to myself, the wife is not home, it won’t hurt to watch a little. A Big Mac, large fries, a Dr. Pepper and two hours later, I had watched the whole show. My wife came in during the middle of it, kind of rolled her eyes at it and walked away. Just when I thought she had stronger will power than I did, I hear it on the TV in the other room, Busted.
I don’t know what it is about that show that just sucks you in. Maybe it’s like watching a car wreck that you can’t look away from. There are some good singers that they put through, but let’s face it; there are a lot of people out there that should keep their talents in the shower. Then I even wonder if some of these people should be allowed to walk the streets freely. The point is I wasted two hours of my life watching this show, well not the whole two hours. McDees fries were involved for some it and that is never a waste of time.
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