Happy New Year Everyone, I hope the year brings many blessings to you. There is no comic today because I spent my break tweaking this site and also worked on some other projects. I’m back to work after being on an 11 day vacation. I didn’t do anything but gain weight. For Christmas I got 4 boxes of Little Debbie snack cakes and gift cards to McDees and Taco Bell. My friends and family know me so well.
Before I get into the coming year, let me tell you how my year ended. My house was broken into! The dirt bags. I was on the phone at work talking to a customer when I got a call from my wife. I did not answer because, one I was on the phone with a customer and two, normally my wife just calls to tell me that she got peanut butter for $0.05 on sale with a coupon. I don’t care how much the peanut butter is, there just needs to be peanut butter in the house. So I text her to let her know I was on the phone and I would call her back. A few minutes later she calls again, I was still on the phone so I text her again. I thought there was only one thing that was going to get me off the phone with the customer and call her back, and that was that the store was out of peanut butter. But she text me with in seconds, it read “The house was broken into.” I quickly put the customer on hold and called her back. Thankfully everyone was ok and nothing was stolen. The neighbor across the street scared them away when she saw them kick in our front door. Which shows you the intelligence of these crooks; one who breaks into a front door in a crowed neighborhood in the middle of the day, two it was my understanding that they parked in the street, so I guess they thought they could carry my big flat screen TV across my yard in the middle of the day without being seen. The other good thing is that the police caught them that afternoon with some stolen goods in their car from the other houses they broke into. They caught them at a gas station. Isn’t that rule one when going on a crime spree, make sure the car has a full tank. Idiots!
So the New Year begins. The wife and I stayed up all night and played some dice game called Bunco and watched a bunch of musician we didn’t know on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Eve. That made us feels old when we didn’t recognize the current music and we couldn’t wait for midnight to arrive so we could go to bed. So what do we have to look forward to in the upcoming year? Well hopefully we will be selling our house and moving. That should be interesting, nothing like having strangers walk through your house when your not home. Oh wait that already happen to us, only this time maybe they will pay us to stay in the house instead of trying to take stuff out of the house. But what will be the new fad this year? What will be the new Facebook and Farmville? Because, that improved our life style a lot. What will Bill Gates come up with that everyone will go into debt buying, while it increases his chance to buy the whole planet? Will this be the year that the average American that is of the age to drive will put down the phone and use the turn signal? Looking forward to seeing what 2011 will bring to us.
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