Thursday, September 23, 2010

Stupid people.

I think a law should be passed that will allow someone at least once a week to slap another person for being rude or doing something stupid. I think it would eventually eliminate some of the problems in our world. At some point everyone would end up getting a good whack in the back of the head (including myself) and maybe start to think twice before they did something stupid. We could soften the blow and pass out Nerf baseball bats.

I would begin in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Really almost any parking lot will do, but Wal-Mart’s lots seem to really bring in a certain breed of people. I was getting out of my car after risking my life to find a space, (the arrows on the ground are there for a reason people) while walking to the store I saw a car about to back up. So I started to wait for the person to back up, because apparently a memo went out that pedestrians don’t have the right away anymore, but the person never backed up. So I thought it was safe and started to proceed behind the car, and then the person decided to back up right when I took my first step behind them. I stopped, took a step back and waved at the person to go ahead and back out. They never moved or saw me, and they didn’t continue to back up. So I gave them the benefit of the doubt and went forward again. I was half way behind the car when they decided to start to back up. Their bumper was basically on top of me and I had to run across. They never stopped, just kept on going like I was invisible. That person needed a whack with a bat.

I don’t spend a lot of time in Wal-Mart. I try to get in and get out. I just needed one thing. Wouldn’t you know it, there were 10 people with carts in the aisle I needed to go down. Of course all of them were smack in the middle and just staring at the stuff, not putting it their carts or even looking around. Just staring like they were waiting for that smiley face thing to come flying by to drop the price down, I was polite and said excuse me. But, no response, I tried to nudge my way through, nothing. I eventually had to reach over someone to get what I needed and I get the look of death from some women who obviously needed to be in the toothpaste and mouthwash aisle. Then I get bumped from behind by someone that needed to go try the stuff in the health and diet aisle. All that was going through my mind was my Nerf bat and WACK, WACK, WACK. Some people make it really hard to love thy neighbor.

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