Thursday, September 9, 2010

typical work day.

I was off Monday, but this has been a long work week. Friday needs to get here soon. Hope the weekend goes by slow. Ever notice that even though there is 24 hours in every day, it sometimes feels like some days go by quicker than others. Or, it just stands still. In my office we have what we like to call the 3 o’clock zone. It is that time of day that just seems to take forever to get through. It is the same 60 minutes as any other hour, but it just drags and drags.

Between 8:00 am to lunch, time goes by pretty quickly. Your busy getting your day started and drinking your coffee. Then lunch will fly by as you rush out to beat the traffic to get to your local grease pit, only to sit in a drive thru waiting on the moron in front of you to decide what they want. News flash; the menu has not changed since yesterday, there are only so many ways they can make a hamburger, adding a large diet coke does not make it healthy, and it’s not that hard to say a number two with cheese. So you get back to work with about 15 minutes left to eat. The next hour is uncomfortable, wishing you had the salad instead of super sizing the meal to get a few extra fries. I think they add cocaine to french fries to get you addicted to them. Two o’clock roles around, you start to realize the co-worker next to you had the bean burrito again. But, you are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel to go home.

Then 3:00 pm hits…. Time seems to stop. The boss just laid down a bunch of work that he forgot to give you that morning and of course it needs to be done by the end of the day. So you are working hard, feeling as if you have been busy and you think it is probably after 4 o’clock. But no, only 15 minutes have gone by. So you try to get some more work done. You finished most of the project you were just given. Feeling a sense of accomplishment of putting in a full days work, you glance at the clock and it is only 3:30 pm. The day seems to never end. Finally, 4:00 pm roles around; you think you deserve a break, you worked hard. So you take a quick peek at your personal e-mails, see what important stuff you missed on Facebook, someone sent you a video you just had to watch. Feeling a little guilty you decide to get back to work. Looking at the clock it is 5:05 pm. Better hurry and leave to sit in traffic for an hour, which will feel like three.

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