Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thank you 9/11

Thank you 9/11

The challenge of this day is to remember. It is easy to remember where you were at, what you were doing, and what was happening. But can we look back and remember what we can be thankful for?

Thank you 9/11

Thank you for those that lost loved ones, your loss is great and I have prayed that time has taken the pain away, but others are reminded to be thankful for the loved ones we have around us now.

Thank you for reminding us that we have the freedom to pray.

Thank you for the public servants of the police, fire department and many more that went out that day to do a job, which reminds us that the job they have is also a duty to us.

Thank you for 9/12, which reminds us of the next day seeing all the flags waving with American pride, knowing we would overcome and “our flag was still there”.

Thank you to those who started to search for survivors, which reminds us that when this country has a tragedy, all differences are put aside and we band together to help each other, Like “One Nation Under God.”

Thank you for reminding us that we live in a great country, that we have the freedom to have a different opinion than our neighbors and still live in peace.

Thank you to those who found a cross under the debris and stood it up as a symbol of Hope.

Thank you for reminding us that we live in a country that allows us to raise a cross and freely worship it.

Thank you Todd Beamer for saying “Let’s Roll”, reminding us of the American spirit of fighting for what is right no matter the sacrifice.

Thank you to Todd Beamer’s family

Thank you to President George W. Bush for repeating those words “Let’s Roll.” Taking the fight to the terrorist and protecting this county.

Thank you to the military for taking action and making us feel safe.

Thank you to the families that have; a son, daughter, mom, dad, wife, and husband which are serving in the military. Your sacrifice to us does not go unnoticed.

Thank you to all military Past and Present, that we have the freedoms that allow us to say “God Bless America.”

Thank you President Barack Obama for continuing the fight and keeping this nation safe.

Thank you for May 2, 2011, the day our military took down the main terrorist.

Thank you 9/11 for reminding us how important our government leaders are.

Thank you also for reminding us that we have the freedom to vote for those leaders.

Thank you to all that kept on living, going to work, paying bills, going out on a Saturday night date, getting married, having babies, etc… “The terrorist did not win.”

Thank you 9/11, we now have 9/12 and beyond to be thankful for. To remember how great our country is, the people who protect it, the people who live here, and the freedoms that we have. Like saying “God Bless America”

Lamentations 3:21-23
Yet I called this to mind, and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!

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