Monday, July 19, 2010


Since I started my diet last week I have lost 8 lbs. It hasn't been that bad, just a little bit of an adjustment to my eating habits and doing a little bit of exercising. The hard part has been keeping up with the exercising. You see over the years I've really mastered the skill of being lazy and doing the least amount of physical activity as possible. I even created an additional commandment to go along with "The 10 Commandments". 11. Thou shall not run and sweat on purpose. This has served me well for most of my life, up till now. Apparently the body needs to move around so the heart can pump the blood through the body better. Also it prevents things like; two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, and sesame buns from clogging your arteries. So I broke the 11th commandment and started sweating on purpose. The challenge has been keeping it up. I'm becoming the master of excuses. Things like, "It looks like it's going to rain." That one white fluffy cloud in the otherwise clear blue sky just might cause a little bit of moisture in the air therefore to avoid injury of slipping in a puddle I better stay inside; missing one day won't hurt me. I can't work out inside, we are on a slab foundation and therefore the floor will be hard which may cause harm on my joints jarring against the floor. So basically it's all about motivation and what is more important. Motivation is that if I exercise, my blood pressure will be normal and I won't have to take a pill for the rest of my life and exercising is more important than watching reruns of Friends and Seinfeld which I have seen every episode of at least 10 times and can almost quote word for word. Negative too being bald, sweat rolls right off the head and into your eyes.

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