Thursday, July 22, 2010
blast from the past
Ever look back and think the things we had in our young adult years were really cool. The wife and I was channel surfing and got real excited when we came across the movie Footloose. For some reason we thought this was one of the best movies in the 80's. About 20 minutes into the movie we were looking at each other and both thinking the same thing. What were we thinking? I'll admit the sound track was great. (Wander whatever happened to Kenny Loggins?), but the movie was horrible. Story line bad, acting bad and the dancing really wasn't that good either. Who runs through an old warehouse, jumping around, and throwing their arms in the air because they can't dance? Does Kevin Bacon look back at himself and see how stupid he looks? Well I'm sure it helps someone in their "Six degrees to Kevin." Probably each generation has something they look back on and says "What were we thinking?" The Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton administrations comes to mind quickly, but I'm talking about fashions. Things like parachute pants, the jacket with all the zippers, and rolling the bottom of your pants up a few times. The 70's had disco, shirts with really big collars and bellbottom pants. But they had an excuse along with the 60's generation; they were doing a little too much experimenting if you know what I mean. Styles have away of coming back though, and I say long live the mullet.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Since I started my diet last week I have lost 8 lbs. It hasn't been that bad, just a little bit of an adjustment to my eating habits and doing a little bit of exercising. The hard part has been keeping up with the exercising. You see over the years I've really mastered the skill of being lazy and doing the least amount of physical activity as possible. I even created an additional commandment to go along with "The 10 Commandments". 11. Thou shall not run and sweat on purpose. This has served me well for most of my life, up till now. Apparently the body needs to move around so the heart can pump the blood through the body better. Also it prevents things like; two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, and sesame buns from clogging your arteries. So I broke the 11th commandment and started sweating on purpose. The challenge has been keeping it up. I'm becoming the master of excuses. Things like, "It looks like it's going to rain." That one white fluffy cloud in the otherwise clear blue sky just might cause a little bit of moisture in the air therefore to avoid injury of slipping in a puddle I better stay inside; missing one day won't hurt me. I can't work out inside, we are on a slab foundation and therefore the floor will be hard which may cause harm on my joints jarring against the floor. So basically it's all about motivation and what is more important. Motivation is that if I exercise, my blood pressure will be normal and I won't have to take a pill for the rest of my life and exercising is more important than watching reruns of Friends and Seinfeld which I have seen every episode of at least 10 times and can almost quote word for word. Negative too being bald, sweat rolls right off the head and into your eyes.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
It's not my fault
I have found a positive to being bald. Besides the obvious of saving money on shampoo, taking less time to get ready for work in the morning, and never having a bad hair day. I can say something was not my fault and it would be true. This is something a husband can rarely get away with "It's not my fault." There are a lot of dishes in the sink. "It's not my fault."I'll say. But yeah it probably is since I eat more than anyone in the house and I got used to just letting the dishes pile up in my bachelor days. There's a pile of laundry on the floor. "It's not my fault." When I lived by myself I would use the washing machine as my dirty clothes hamper. When the washer got full I knew it was time to do laundry. The dryer was used has my dresser. In the morning when I got up to get dressed; I throw a damp cloth in the dryer, turn the dryer on, the damp cloth would create steam and take out most of the wrinkles in the clothes. So it is really not my fault that my wife has changed my system of living. But recently it was, the shower drain is clogged with hair. "It's not my fault." When you are bald that's all that needs to be said.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Cat's lair
I've got involved in a reality show called "Billy the Exterminator". It's about a family business that kills bugs and gets rid of other pest. Billy is dressed like some biker dude. Wearing mostly leather, spikes on his shirt and gloves, but the really unique thing about Billy is his hair. Typically he wears a cowboy hat and when he takes it off, it looks like a porcupine is sitting on his head. Plus it is very long. Now I have been fighting the hairline battle for a long time. I knew this would be a losing battle from looking at my uncles. So when I see someone like Billy with a lot of hair and they decide to wear it in some crazy way, or some guys who think it is cool that even though they have hair they shave it all off anyways. It annoys me a little. All that I am saying is RESPECT THE HAIR. Though I'll admit I save a lot of money from not buying Shampoo.
On another note. Since I've gotten married and my wife moved into my house. There seems to be a territory battle between my wife and cat. When I get home from work, my wife will have a story that will start off like "Let me tell you what your cat did today..." Well the other night as we were laying in bed watching TV, my wife looked across the room and into our bathroom and saw something staring back at her. It was the cat sitting proudly on the toilet, looking back at her as if to say, "My house. My throne."
On another note. Since I've gotten married and my wife moved into my house. There seems to be a territory battle between my wife and cat. When I get home from work, my wife will have a story that will start off like "Let me tell you what your cat did today..." Well the other night as we were laying in bed watching TV, my wife looked across the room and into our bathroom and saw something staring back at her. It was the cat sitting proudly on the toilet, looking back at her as if to say, "My house. My throne."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Happy Fourth and TV viewing
Just had a great 4th of July weekend. I was planning on sleeping in every day, but I still woke up at my normal time as if it was a workday. I hate that. It reminded me of the times when I had a snow day off from school and I still got up early like any other typical school day. The wife and I didn't plan anything for the weekend. I used the spare time to work on an outdoor patio that we have wanted to get done. It was getting hot and the sun was really bright. I knew this because my wife told me to put on a hat because the sun was reflecting off my head and blinding the neighbors. As if every bald man had never heard that one before. But I decided it was a good time to take a break. I went inside and started doing some channel surfing when I found a show. It was as if God was saying "Stop and rest my child, this is your day" It was a marathon of "The Greatest American Hero." One of the great shows of the 80's with hands down the best theme show...sing it if you know it "Believe it or not I'm walking on air..." While watching this show I notice every so often an emergency would happen and they would have to find a phone to call someone. It made me think how much some movies and TV show's would be totally different if they were made today. I mean just think of all the screwy mix-ups that would have been solved in shows like "Three's Company". Chrisy could have just called Jack on his cell and say don't come to the apartment with your date Mr. Roper is here. Or the times the Huxtable kids would come home late and Bill would be waiting up. The excuse of, couldn't find a phone to call home, does not work in this generation. Technology has changed they way TV shows and movies are written. Thank goodness that some of these shows were created in the era they were in. Otherwise where would have Clark Kent changed into Superman?
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