Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Vacation - The drive.

Life has been getting in the way a lot lately. From punk neighborhood kids to police officers that do not want to do their jobs. Ever wish you could live in Mayberry for one day. All that is for a later blog, the wife and I got to take a break from life for a while when we went on our cruise. The problem came when the rest of the world came with us. Jerry Seinfeld once said on his show that only about 2% of the population is good looking. Sitting in the port waiting to get on the boat I would agree. But let’s start at the beginning of the trip.

We started off Saturday morning. I wasn't feeling good the night before so I took some cold and flu medicine before we left. The box said it was for day time, but that must have only meant that it was orange instead of blue like the night time ones. You know that little writing on the box that says do not operate heavy machinery after taking the medicine. They actually mean that. I was feeling like I was floating in the clouds. I was doing all I could to concentrate on the road. My wife knew something was up when I cranked up Led Zepplin (not something I normally listen to). I pulled off at the next rest area so we could switch drivers.

Rest Areas are so interesting, one big bathroom on the side of the road. I always walk in hoping I am the only one in there, also wishing I was the only one to ever use the facility. Purposely trying not to touch anything, using elbows whenever possible. You feel like you need to wash your hands after you washed your hands in the restroom sinks. Not to mention the people. People do not care who is watching them when they have to use the bathroom really bad. They are pulling certain articles of clothing from their behinds and doing their versions of the pee pee dance. Then they stare at the vending machines hoping they can find something that will ease their hunger pain with the change they found under the car seats.

Once back on the road my wife took over driving. We like to amuse ourselves with the stuff written on the billboards. There is everything for Bible scripture to advertisements for Adult Stores. They even have places to eat for adults only. That is so shocking and I always wonder what type of weirdo wants to eat at a place where you have to wonder what body part has touched your food or what the person in the booth behind you is doing. The other billboards we had fun with were the ones that had these puppies being used to advertise a hotel. The puppies were cute but I don't remember the hotel so it wasn't very good advertising.

One of the worst parts about driving somewhere is the other drivers. It just seems like some people are in their own little world when they drive. While the rest of state is driving the speed limit or just little above, maybe even a little more than above the listed speed limit. You have this one person who feels the need to drive at a snails pace in the middle of the highway. Once you get stuck behind this person, they are almost impossible to past. For one the other drivers are flying pass you, pointing and laughing because you made the mistake to get behind the probably 101 year old lady who can't see over the steering wheel. The other reason is that every time you go to pass, the person in front of you, who probably learn to drive on the first automobile ever made, decides to speed up at the last minute. Then you have the other idiot drivers who want to live out their dream of driving a NASCAR. They are doing mach 10, weaving in front of people, and probably a confederate flag waving off their antenna. If you are are able to see the passenger, they will most likely have their bare foot up on the dash board or hanging out the window. You think to yourself two things; one I hope there is a cop waiting up there to catch them and two, I wish I could go that fast without getting caught.

After 6 hours of driving we make it to the hotel to get a good night rest to start our long vacation the next day.... Check back to hear about our ocean adventure and also check out gabbin-bout-grub to read about the food we had.