Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick’s Day
You don’t see my green and I don’t care
Pinch me if you want, but don’t pull my hair
But before you do, take a look at my underwear.

This has been a very revealing week. I have learned a few things you can and can’t do as a single but can and can’t do when you get married. For instance:

SINGLE- You can watch whatever you want and whenever you want on TV. No matter how childish or stupid it is.
MARRIED- You can’t watch your favorite cartoon or sci-fi movie when your wife is in control of the remote.

SINGLE- You can set the temperature of the house to anything that makes you feel comfortable.
MARRIED- YOU can get up out of bed in the middle of the night and change the temperature when the wife asks, “Does it feel cold in here?”

SINGLE- You can eat fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
MARRIED- You can eat wonderful home cook meals prepared by your wife to make sure that the rest of your arteries are not clog up with anymore fast food grease.

SINGLE- You can not ACCIDENTALY burp in your girlfriend’s face before you kiss her. This is gross and will probably lead to an instant break up.
MARRIED- You can however, ACCIDENTALY burp in your wife’s face after a big meal after she insists of wanting a kiss, even though you warned her that it was not a good time. You really shouldn’t do that either, but your wife can’t break up with you if you do.

Please vote fot JT, Phil, Buddy, and Harold at It's kind of like the American Idol for comic strips. Search for my name Jason Miller and log on to vote.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Well some good news, “The Bachelor Pad” has made it to the second round in the comic strip competition. There are 10 rounds total, so keep up the voting and help me get through all 10 rounds to win a syndicate contract. Which is a big deal, it gives me the chance to work with editors and other people who will help me promote the comic and sell it to newspapers. So go to to vote.

Some bad news, the economy is still gong down hill. It is so bad that McDonalds is letting Ronald McDonald go. They say it is a new marketing plan and that he represents the old McDonalds. But I just think, like most companies, they are tired of paying some clown to stand around and do nothing. Oh well, as long as they don’t mess with the fries, I don’t care if they get Justin Bieber to sell their stuff. He needs to get a taste of the real world anyways. Put a paper hat on that kid, give him a mop, and tell him to go clean up after the 5 year old that just messed up the women’s bathroom. I’m a little tired of seeing this kid who hasn’t gone through puberty make millions because he needs a hair cut and can sing “Oh Baby Baby.” Meanwhile adults all over this country are hoping they can get a job mopping floors to provide for their families. Only in America.

Speaking of families, last week I wrote about my brother. I only think it is fair that I talk some about my sister. First let me point something out. My parents already had a boy, and then they had a girl. So they already had one of each. I always wondered if they had a bet of what they would have next, or if they thought they needed to give it one more try because the first two were not what they expected. Ok, I know I was a surprise. Being only 18 months younger than her we were only a grade apart from each other, which meant we typically were in the same school growing up. That was cool, we had each others back. Once in elementary school we walked around the playground, arms linked together, shouting we don’t stop for no one! Unfortunately for her she was the middle child between two boys. My brother and I would gang up on her when we had the chance. One time (when the parents were gone) we picked on her so bad; she slammed the door so hard it cracked it. We all got in some trouble after that one. She now lives in the south, not that far from me. We don’t see each other as often as we like, but it is nice knowing that there is some family close by. Even if it is the family member, that I still have a scar over my eye from where she pushed me off a table. Thanks sis.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I love living in the south. Here it is the beginning of March and it’s been in the 60’s everyday. This past weekend it reached to the 70’s. Meanwhile in the frozen tundra of the north, they still have snow on the ground in my home town of Akron. While my wife and I enjoyed the weekend outside doing a little yard work, my parents were still huddled in their house battling cabin fever. Yep, I love living in the south during this time of year. The two down sides are that pollen season is just around the corner. That’s the time of year when everything turns yellow and you almost have to wear some sort of mask to breathe outside. The other downside to living in the south is that I am away from my family and I miss out on some family events.

My niece turned 16 this week. I haven’t mentioned much of my siblings. I’m the youngest of three. The oldest, my brother, has two daughters, both teenagers. The middle child is my sister and she lives in the south as well. We got along ok growing up, we had our fights like most brothers and sisters do. My biggest problems was the hand me downs growing up. My brother’s clothes were out of style by the time I could wear them, and it just wasn’t right for my parents to try to pass off some of my sister’s stuff down to me. I shared a room with brother until he moved out when I was 18. Up to that point I had to put up with his snoring and a cramped room that wasn’t quite big enough for the two of us to be in there at the same time. He being the oldest meant I got booted out the majority of the time. But, we had some good times together; we would gain up on our sister and picked on her until she got mad, and my favorite memory was when my voice was changing and he had me talk to one of his girlfriends on the phone and pretend it was him. I moved away not too long after he had his first child. It’s hard to believe that the same guy, that when you walked into our room his half was all neat and clean and my half looked liked a war zone, has a 16 year old daughter. It would be fun to be there watching him teach her how to drive and see him react when a boy comes over to pick her up on a date. Last I heard from my mom, his hair is turning a little grey.

While my sister and me our able to drive around this time of year with our windows down enjoying the weather. Our brother is up north teaching his daughter how to drive the icy roads. As much as I would like to be around to watch him stress out over it, I at least have the comfort of knowing that I am not on the same roads with one new teenage driver. Even though everyone down here seems to drive like one, but that’s for another blog.

By the way I have enter a comic strip contest to try and win a sydicate contract. So if you like to see JT and the gang in the paper; log on to ,click on the "So You Wanna Be A Cartoonist Contest" in the upper left corner, type "Parents Visiting" in the search bar and click on the thumbs up. You can vote more than once. Please vote for me.